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Matter (Teacher's Guide)


A Curriculum that is activity-focused and certain to bring science alive for your student! In this Investigate the Possibilities series for 3rd through 6th grade, elementary chemistry is explored with over 20 activities using household items to keep your experience economical. Using this straightforward approach, learning about science becomes easy with guidance for hands-on projects, connections to Bible references, and helpful instruction notes.

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Matter (Teacher's Guide)
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Product Details

A Curriculum that is activity-focused and certain to bring science alive for your student! In this Investigate the Possibilities series for 3rd through 6th grade, elementary chemistry is explored with over 20 activities using household items to keep your experience economical. Using this straightforward approach, learning about science becomes easy with guidance for hands-on projects, connections to Bible references, and helpful instruction notes.

The Teacher's Guide provides:

  • Easy to use format for home or classroom instruction
  • Objectives and teaching aids to guide learning
  • Additional resources to expand educational experience
  • Material that gives consideration to National Science Education Standards

Makes chemistry easy to teach and comprehend in this complete scientific series!

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