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Lifepac Language Arts 2nd Grade Complete Set

Picking up where phonics instruction leaves off, the LIFEPAC 2nd Grade Language Arts Set integrates grammar, spelling, reading, and writing into one Alpha Omega curriculum. Building on a strong phonics base, this homeschool language course touches on critical language topics such as building sentences, punctuation, prefixes, suffixes, nouns, verbs and much more!
Lifepac Language Arts 2nd Grade Complete Set
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Product Details
Reading, writing, listening, and speaking are among the most important skills your student will develop. But how can you be sure that your student is acquiring these necessary skills? The LIFEPAC 2nd Grade Language Arts Set can help you be sure! While most curriculum companies separate the language disciplines into separate courses, LIFEPAC has created a unique integrated approach designed to build critical connections between spelling, grammar, reading, writing, and speaking. In the LIFEPAC 2nd Grade Language Arts Set, ten exciting worktexts present lessons in a colorful, fun format, giving your homeschooling student daily instruction and application as well as regular evaluation. As your child works through this appealing Alpha Omega curriculum, he will encounter instruction in skills such as word structure, basic sentence structure, punctuation, dictionary skills, writing, and more.

And last, but not least, we've included some great features for the teacher, too! The LIFEPAC 2nd Grade Language Arts Set includes a teacher's guide featuring teaching notes, an answer key, alternate tests, plus plenty of enrichment activities which provide opportunity for independent study. This additional material expands and individualizes the program based on your child's abilities and interests. With all of this, what's keeping you from giving your child all the advantages that the LIFEPAC 2nd Grade Language Arts Set has to offer? Order today!
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