Empowering you to pursue what matters
through flexible and personalised education
Personalised Education
Over the last 20 years, Homeschool Global has helped more than 12,000 families enjoy solid personalised education options that helped their children succeed, no matter their goal or area of interest.
The power to choose is yours. We're your one-stop shop for Christian homeschooling in the UK, ready to provide you with convenient, effective solutions for your children's education.
Alpha Omega LIFEPACs - Now Shipping!
LIFEPAC is a Christian homeschool curriculum for grades K-12. Designed by a team of accomplished educators with years of classroom experience, LIFEPAC is based on the principle of mastery learning. Students master content in each unit worktext before progressing to the next. Ten LIFEPAC worktexts provide one full year of learning content per grade level; individual worktexts can also be used as supplemental material. In addition, you can mix and match subjects or grade level worktexts to personalize your student's curriculum content. Individual worktexts take approximately 3 to 4 weeks to complete.
Got Questions? Get Answers!
Deciding the best options for you and your family is not always an easy decision. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions about the curriculum options that are available!
Get your homeschooling journey off to a great start!
Early Years Sets
What's Next?
Homeschool Global has always been a pioneer in the homeschooling space, and we plan to roll out a full set of academic support services, including:
- Comprehensive training for parents
- Academic support and advice
- Community groups and events
We're just getting started and we look forward to being a part of your homeschooling journey for many years!